Friday, August 21, 2009

The park and the local market

This is a statue of...well, I'm not sure. It looks like a cherub telling everyone to be quiet. It's on the edge of a small park at the end of my block. The local women do something like Jazzercise on the other end of the park on some evenings. The market is on the other side of this park, and my school is just beyond the market. It's nice to have a five minute walk to my school. This is the market when it is closed. Things get going early and the vendors are mostly closed by the late afternoon and evening. They stay around into the evening on Friday and Saturday.

The market is open in this picture. I had to wait for a few minutes to get a shot without a bunch of cars and scooters in the way. You can buy fruit, vegetables, meat, prepared foods, clothes, shoes, bedding, towels, and all kinds of things at this relatively small market.

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