Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some Gifts and Cards From Students and Teachers

These are some gifts and cards I got from my students and teachers.

A gift from some teachers at school. A 'fire' bull glass sculpture from Tittot. It is titled "Akin To Kindling Fire" and the sub-title reads (from translation): My dreams you pump vigor / Our friendship your passions enriched / I plow deep and strive to reach / Come and light my fire with your fervor.


A gift from my advanced 7th grade class. I have a reputation at school for always being happy and it's true. Just call me Mr. Happy!

These are some of the wonderful cards I received from my classes. Wow, it's enough to melt your heart! I will keep these forever.

1 comment:

  1. Help you have a good memory in Tauwan :)
    We will miss you very much!

    your student
