Monday, December 28, 2009

Shun Dan Quai Luh

That's how you say Merry Christmas in Chinese. Phonetic translations are always difficult, but that's how I hear it.

I was in Taichung seeing some friends and bumming around Chung Yo mall this weekend. Most brands and chains are available at the big malls. I don't do much shopping there, but I like to walk around. The shopping malls are a nice place to walk. They're built high instead of wide so you ride the escalator a lot, but they're still a good place to wander around. The cities and towns in Taiwan don't really have sidewalks so it's quite tiresome to walk around outside. A band was playing in front of the mall. They're singing, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday Merry Christmas." Well, I've never heard it put quite like that before, but it works for me. Happy Birthday Dear Jesus!

The things I miss from home has moved into a new phase. I seem to have developed a craving for American food. Big Mac's to be exact. I've had three in one week. I used to like Big Mac's a lot when I was younger. Mom was a good mother. We didn't eat fast food very often so they were a treat. I have memories of being 6 or 7 and going to the McDonald's on Cass Avenue for a Big Mac. There was a play land at that McDonald's too. In any case, Big Mac's seem to be my comfort food at the moment.

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