A picture from the bluffs about 25 kilometers up the coast from Kenting
Flowers on the beach
A little resort town near Sail Rock
I'm a happy man. Relying on buses, taxis, and my bicycle for a year it was great to have my own motorized transportation.
Sail Rock
Me and Peter Ferguson on the bluffs. Like me, Peter is a teacher working for the Taiwan Ministry of Education but he lives in Hengchung (a city near Kenting). He and his girlfriend were nice enough to let me sleep in their spare bedroom. I've learned a lot about gestures over the years. Brits would be offended by this gesture.
A gang of English teachers taking over a breakfast shop on Sunday morning. One of Peter's students wanted to get in the picture too. Our Taiwanese director and her niece are sitting at the back of the table.
Peter, Andrea (Peter's girlfriend), and me giving the obligatory Taiwanese 'V' gesture. In Taiwan it's not a gesture for 'peace' but seen as making a 'Y' as in "Oh, yeah!"